The emergence of new scientific fields often heralds opportunities of all kinds. More often than not, these translate into innovations in industrial applications. Sometimes, however, we are faced with technological revolutions that break with our usual way of thinking, designing, producing, using or dreaming about our everyday products and lifestyles. This was the case with the industrial revolution, then the Internet revolution and now the digital revolution.
These revolutions have created a need to reinvent industries, societies, professions and their roles, the tools and methods of innovation, and the modes of representation used to create our objects and their materials.
Through an analytical approach to previous revolutions and a study of science fiction and alternative practices, designer Guillian Graves attempts to pose hypotheses about possible future revolutions in an anticipatory essay: Une Possible Évolution Industrielle.
Based on this analysis, plausible future scenarios are constructed. Each scenario looks at the impact, desirable or otherwise, that these potential breakthroughs could have on innovation practices, on industry, on lifestyles and on economic, ethical, legal and societal frameworks.
In short, by analysing and constructing possible and plausible narratives, Une Possible Évolution Industrielle attempts to anticipate tomorrow's worlds as well as possible, in order to discover the new questions that will be raised and the unprecedented opportunities that will be offered.